The following is a listing of some of the Stud’s polo horses and their achievements:
Please see the Haydon Horse Stud Facebook Page for updates:

50 Years Medallion
As part of the ASHS celebrating 50 Years please see a listing of the Studs polo horses that have contributed on the field and award winners during that time. Please click here Polo Horse Listing
Haydon Angel Jewel (Mi Gatita) [Haydon Emerald-Haydon Drawn] continues her global travels going back to America in 2016. Adolfo Cambiaso is playing her here to win a third US Gold Cup.
Haydon Angel Jewel (Mi Gatita) [Haydon Emerald-Haydon Drawn] Inducted into the ASHS Hall of Fame. This is the video of her journey.

Autumn 2016 Polo Horses
Haydon Spanish Jet [Haydon Lavender Jewel x Haydon The Don] taken in the USA where she played in the successful Valiente team in the US high goal (26 goals) in 2016 by 9 goaler Facundo Sola.
Haydon Sky Jewel [Haydon Tourmaline x Ellerston Solar] at Sydney Polo Club 2016.
Haydon Pandora [Haydon Tourmaline x Haydon Nightwatch] warming up at Garangula Polo Club.
Haydon Olivia 11 [Haydon Olivia x Haydon Drawn] playing yet another season in England with 8 goaler Ale Mussio in 2016 now 17 years old.
Haydon Plover [Haydon Wren x Techrico] playing at Scone in 2016.
Haydon Roseleaf [Haydon Sable x Haydon Nightwatch] playing the final at Ellerston in 2016.
Haydon Sky Jewel [Haydon Tourmaline x Ellerston Solar] with Alec White at full stretch at Ellerston 2015.
Jimbo Henry playing his well bred Haydon Nightwatch mare Swirl 2016
Haydon Crystalline [Haydon Tourmaline x Techrico] playing at Scone in 2016.
Haydon Pandora [Haydon Tourmaline x Haydon Nightwatch] playing at Ellerston 2015.
Haydon Angel Jewel on the front page in Sotogrande where she wins for the second year in a row both the Silver and Gold Cups.
Haydon Spanish Jet used in the promotion of the Copa de Plata in Sotogrande, Spain 2015
Haydon Spanish Jet [Haydon Lavender Jewel x Haydon The Don] playing in the 2015 Spanish High goal by Facundo Sola at Santa Maria Polo Club at Sotogrande.
Haydon Angel Jewel in the final of the 2015 Queens Cup played by fellow 10 goaler Pablo MacDonough for an injured Adolfo Cambiaso, losing by one goal.
Haydon Wonder Jewel [Haydon Dark Jewel x Wonder Dancer] played in many winning Wanless teams and her daughter Ruby won the Champion Pony at the 2015 Gold Cup played by Damien Johnston. In turn her mother Haydon Dark Jewel was in the Champion Team of Ponies played by Peter Haydon at the 1984 Queensland Gold Cup.
Haydon Angel Jewel played by the world’s best player Adolfo Cambiaso in the 2015 Queens Cup
Haydon Pandora [Haydon Tourmaline x Haydon Nightwatch] playing at Ellerston 2015.
Haydon Esprit [Ready For Life x Murrabong Victory] wins Champion B Grade Pony at Gunnedah 2015
Haydon Esprit and Haydon Secret Night in Will Gilmore’s Champion Team at Gunnedah 2015
Haydon Secret Night [Haydon Light Night x Haydon Nightwatch] wins Champion Novice at Clifton 2015 played by Will Gilmore.
Haydon Cha Cha Jewel [Haydon Dancing Jewel x Murrabong Victory] a four year mare with a promising future and out of Angel Jewel’s half sister.
Haydon Rosetta [Haydon Sable x Ellerston Sola] played by Alec White at Garangula in 2015. She went on to play in the final of the Dudley Cup and was ready to play in the Test Match for the Australian Team before it was washed out.
Haydon Eve [Haydon Evette x Murrabong Victory] won her first BPP as a four year old and here playing at Garangula with Alec White in 2015.
Haydon Secret Night [Haydon Light Night x Haydon Nightwatch] four year old mare. One of the easiest mares to train, very lateral with a great stop.
Haydon Sky Jewel [Haydon Tourmaline x Ellerston Sola] played by Alec White at Garangula 2015. She played in Dudley Cup final and was then ready to play in the Test Match but it was washed out.
Haydon Pandora [Haydon Tourmaline x Haydon Nightwatch] plays with both power and athleticism.
Haydon Aurora [Haydon Celestial x Murrabong Victory] first filly out of top mare Celestial to play and a natural from day one.
Haydon Plover [Haydon Wren x Techrico] starting her polo career as a two and a half year old, doing plays well in advance of her years.
Haydon Diana [Haydon Without Doubt x Murrabong Victory] a very easy mare to play.
Haydon Angel Jewel (Mi Gatita) [Haydon Emerald-Haydon Drawn] wins BPP in the Silver Cup at Sotogrande, Spain played by the world’s number one player 10 goaler Adolfo Cambiaso. He played her to win the Spanish 2014 Triple Crown with Valiente.
Haydon Sky Jewel [Haydon Tourmaline x Ellerston Sola] playing in the 2014 Garangula 16 goal by Alec White for Ellertson White.
Haydon Olivia 11 [Haydon Olivia x Haydon Drawn] after playing the English high goal season with Ale Muzzio, 8 goals, he took her to the Santa Maria Polo Club, Sotogrande in Spain to play the high goal with the King Power team.
Jamacia [SC Dusk-Prince Zulu] won BPP at Garangula in 2014 played by Tom Hunt and is owned by Joe Curran. She is out of the Haydon Never Doubt mare Dusk and she also won BPP at the Sydney 16 goal plus a host of other awards.
Haydon Rosetta [Haydon Sable x Ellerston Sola] played by Alec White for Ellerston White at Scone 16 Goal 2014
Haydon Angel Jewel (Mi Gatita) [Haydon Emerald-Haydon Drawn] played by 10 goaler Adolfo Cambiaso has a triumphant return to England to again win the British Open Gold Cup with Dubai in 2014.
Haydon Olivia 11 [Haydon Olivia x Haydon Drawn] wins the Queen Mother Centenary Trophy at Guards Polo Club with Ale Muzzio who was awarded MVP
Haydon Kylie by Haydon Nightwatch wins the A Grade ASHS BPP at Wirragulla 2014 played by James Lester, WA
Haydon Spanish Jet [Haydon Lavender Jewel-Haydon The Don] played by John Paul Clarkin for Black Bears in their first game of the 2014 English high goal in the Queens Cup.
Haydon Night Diva [Haydon Ballerette x Murrabong Victory] won the coveted 2014 Nat Buchanan Trophy, awarded each year to the best ASHS in a chosen field. It was also won previously by her dam’s full brother Haydon Dancer.
Haydon Precious Jewel (Penny ) [Haydon Dream Jewel-Haydon Easy Sun] Haydon Elm [Haydon Sun Rose-Murrabong Victory] and Haydon Velvet [SC Springbok-Murrabong Victory] all played in the 2014 Snow Polo World Cup at the Metropolitan Polo Club, Tianjin in China.
Haydon Eve [Haydon Evette x Murrabong Victory] 2014 played at Scone by Alec White in just straight reins and no drop nose band.
Haydon Rosetta [Haydon Sable x Ellerston Sola] played in the 2014 Test Match for Australia v South America by Alec White

Haydon Angel Jewel (Mi Gatita) [Haydon Emerald-Haydon Drawn] wins the 2013 Argentine Triple Crown. La Dolfina for the first time in their history go through undefeated to win the Tortugas Open, the Hurlingham Open and the finally the Argentine Open. She was played by 10 goaler Pablo MacDonough in the best polo in world. For her full record please click here.
Haydon Angel Jewel (Mi Gatita) [Haydon Emerald-Haydon Drawn] on Adolfo Cambiaso horse list for La Dolfina for the 120 Argentine Open 2013 after he has won BPP awards with her in the UK Coronation Cup and in the US Open, where this renowned photo was taken.
Haydon Precious Jewel (Penny ) [Haydon Dream Jewel-Haydon Easy Sun]
Played in the final by Dirk Gould to win the 26 goal Super Nations Cup at the Metropolitan Polo Club, Tianjin, China. The winning team collecting the prizemoney of $200,000. Photo shows the teams lining up behind the flags.
Haydon Paloma [Haydon Moonstruck-Ellerston Solar] won a BPP in the low goal at Gunnedah at her first tournament for the season. She has a truly international pedigree with her dam by Haydon Drawn and her sire is by Optimum (the sire of many champions including 2012 Argentine Open BPP Open Gullermina) and out of the legendary La Luna who has had over 90 horses to date play the Open with her bloodline.
Haydon Luna [SC Billa-Murrabong Victory] played by Dave Coulton was in the Best B Grade Team of Ponies at Goondiwindi, 2013.
Haydon Spanish Jet [Haydon Lavender Jewel-Haydon The Don] finishes the UK season with a win in the Westchester Cup, played by JP Clarkin as the Commonwealth player in the 28 goal England Team, beating USA 12-11 in extra time.
Rain Maker [Haydon Titian (Goldie)-Dancin’ Jazz] played by James Beim 7 goals 2013 Gold Cup
Haydon Spanish Jet [Haydon Lavender Jewel-Haydon The Don] played by John Paul Clarkin, 8 goals in 2013 English Gold Cup with Black Bears v Dubai-A Cambiaso in front N. Pieres. Played without draw reins or a drop noseband.
Adolfo Cambiaso shuts Haydon Angel Jewel down in the US Open, 2013. A freak stop with her hocks on the ground with Cambiaso still controlling, vertical and directly over the ball.
Presented with the BPP Rug at US Open 2013 — Presentation for the Best Sting — Running in the winning goal
Photo used for her inclusion in the American Polo Horse Association – At the five star pony lines, International Polo Club Palm Beach, Wellington, Florida
Haydon Angel Jewel [Haydon Emerald-Haydon Drawn] continues her winning ways in the US. In 2013 she won a BPP in the US Open, was in Adolfo Cambiaso’s Best String in the final and in 2012 won a BPP in the US Gold Cup, all played at 26 goals.
Haydon Spanish Jet [Haydon Lavender Jewel-Haydon The Don] played by John Paul Clarkin, 8 goals winning the final at Ellerston 2103 before going to England.
Rain Maker [Haydon Titian (Goldie)-Dancin’ Jazz] playing the 2012 Coronation Cup Test Match, England v South Africa by James Beim, 7 goals. Haydon Titian’s dam was the top producing Sundown mare Sunshower. Haydon Titian also produced BPP at Ellerston Flirt; Souffle played in England by Gonzalo Pieres, 10 goals; Scratch played by Derk Gould and one of Ellerston’s top horses Horne, who was played by many of the top players.
Haydon Rosetta [Haydon Sable-Ellerston Solar] playing at Ellerston 2013 by David Haydon
Ali, David & Peter Haydon with the Haydon Horse Stud team at Ellerston 2012
David Haydon playing Haydon Madonna at Ellerston in 2012 (top) and 2013 (bottom) and at Bloomfield (middle), Haydon Madonna [SC Black Opal-Haydon Drawn] a very special prizing mare who was retained in Australia and was retired to stud in 2013.
Haydon Night Breeze [Purdette-Haydon Nightwatch] black mare with a star showing a lot of promise, taken in 2013
David Haydon with his String at Ellerston 2012
Jamacia [SC Dusk-Prince Zulu] one of Joe Curran’s best mares. Played at Ellerston and won many BPP awards including at Millamolong played by JP Clarkin, 8 goals, Champion Team RAS, BPP at Women’s International, Windsor played by Nina Clarkin, 4 goals (receiving the BPP rug above). Her dam is a full sister to Night Lady by Haydon Never Doubt the mother of Haydon Celestial.
Haydon Eve [Haydon Evette-Murrabong Victory] BPP ASHS at Wirrugulla 2012 played by Peter Haydon
Winning Team at Wirrugulla 2012 played by Peter Haydon and held by Alex Barnet. Haydon Eve, Haydon Finch & Haydon Paloma
Haydon Finch [Haydon Wren-Murrabong Victory] playing at Sydney Polo by Henry Haydon in 2012
Haydon Paloma [Haydon Moonstruck-Ellerston Solar] top mare, winning team Wirrugulla 2012
Flirt [Haydon Titian (Goldie)-Dancin’ Jazz] BPP Ellerston 2011 played by Ruki Baillieu 7 goals
Haydon Barrabucci [Haydon Ballerina-Murrabong Victory] played by David Haydon at Ellerston 2012
Haydon Scud [Haydon Rainstorm-Haydon Drawn] on the sideline during 2010 British Gold Cup. He was played in three different chukkas by nine goaler Sapo Caset and at times had to mark Adolfo Cambiaso on Haydon Angel Jewel. Drawing by Sarah Bishop.
Haydon Tartan [SC Black Opal-Haydon Nightwatch] played by David Haydon at the Sydney Polo Silver Cup 2012
Haydon La Niña [Purdette-Murrabong Victory] played at Ellerston by David Haydon 2011.
Haydon Angel Jewel [Haydon Emerald-Haydon Drawn] The “worlds number one player Adolfo Cambiaso’s best UK based mare” (Polo Times 8/10). BBP Coronation Cup 2009. Winning team 2010 Queens Cup and Gold Cup. Runner Up BPP in final of the 2010 Gold Cup. Drawing by Sarah Bishop.
Haydon Celestial [ SC Night Lady-Haydon Drawn] winner of prizes including BBP League 2007, played Ellerston, above by Sam Hopkinson 6 goals. Ridden by Peter Haydon, when VIP at Scone Horse Festival 2009, in the morning and played that afternoon.
Haydon Scud [Haydon Rainstorm-Haydon Drawn] running the ball in the final 2010 Gold Cup final played by Sapo Caset, 9 goals. From the same family as Ellerston Horne.
1 |
A |
Gete Lunarejo | Pucará | Esperanza | Rivermatel | La Sterlina y Juan Lagos Marmol | Juan Lagos Mamrol |
2 |
A |
La Sterlina S.A | F. Fantini | ||||
3 |
A |
Gete Zorrino | Pucará | Dolfina Niña Bonita | Optimum | La Sterlina S.A | Adolfo Cambiaso(h) |
4 |
A |
Toro Negro | In reality | Lode | La Dolfina S.A. | Polo Mara | |
5 |
Z |
Murrabong Victory | Haydon Tourmaline | Lovelocks Polo Stud | Peter Haydon | ||
6 |
ZC |
Norman Pentaquad | Riverman | Metre | La Sterlina S.A | Ellerston AUS | |
7 |
ZC |
La Sterlina S.A | S.P.C | ||||
8 |
Z |
Malaita Pet | Golden Pet | La Sterlina S.A | Sergio Magrini | ||
9 |
A |
Norman Pentaquad | Riverman | Jaffa | La Sterlina S.A | Ellerston AUS | |
10 |
A |
Optimum | Southern Halo | Chusma | G. Gracida | Ellerstina S.A | |
11 |
A |
La Sterlina S.A | S.P.C | ||||
12 |
Z |
Francis Halo | Southern Halo | Portera | Dany | La Sterlina y Juan Lagos Marmol | Juan Lagos Mamrol |
13 |
A |
Calca | Tweed | La Sterlina S.A | Ellerston AUS | ||
14 |
Z |
Mustafal | Mr. Prospector | Guillermo Uzandisaga | Guillermo Uzandisaga | ||
15 |
A |
Vienese | Ritz | Satira | Satir | La Sterlina S.A | Haras La Polaca |
16 |
Z |
Noticiario | Nicodeme | Illusion | Dany | La Sterlina y Juan Lagos Marmol | Juan Lagos Mamrol |
17 |
A |
La Sterlina S.A | S.P.C | ||||
18 |
WANDA | Intensionado | Candy Stripes | Faz | El Basco | La Sterlina S.A | G. Gracida |
Haydon Victoriana [Haydon Tourmaline-Murrabong Victory] played Ellerston before going to Argentina for the Open in 2010. Above she is shown on the official program for 2010 Argentine Open for David (Pelon) Sterling, 9 goals.
Ellerston Horne [Haydon Titian (Goldie)-Wickerworks] long term top campaigner for Ellerston. Here being played by Pelon Sterling, 10 goals. Haydon Titian is also the dam; Soufflé played in the UK by 10 goaler Gonzalo Pierres Rain Maker played in UK by James Beim, Scratch played by Derek Gould. Flirt BPP Ellerston 2011 played by Ruki Baillieu
Haydon Madonna [SC Black Opal-Haydon Drawn] BPP at the 2010 League and regularly played Ellerston.
Haydon Luna [SC Billa-Murrabong Victory] runner up in Sledmere Cup and to Madonna in 2010 League. Won a BPP at Quirindi 2012. Played well at all levels.
Haydon Olivia II [Haydon Olivia-Haydon Drawn] being played here at Ellerston by A. Mussio 8 goals. Haydon Olivia [Haydon Pirouette-Rodeo Rush] won many prizes and was played by Memo Gracida, 10 goals in the Ellerston 40 goal. She also produced: Ellerston Grease [Haydon Olivia-Monty] won prizes before going to England. Olivia I [Haydon Olivia-Ajuna] BPP Test Match Australia v Chile 2009. Haydon The Don [Haydon Olivia-Haydon Drawn] stallion used by D Archibald and sire of Haydon Spanish Jet, played by John Paul Clarkin 8 goals in England.
Haydon Without Doubt (Winnie) [Haydon Fidget-Haydon Never Doubt] BPP at WA International played by Will Lucas, 6 goals and played 10 years at Ellerston in many winning Wastecorp teams.
Haydon Blush [ Haydon Sable-Haydon Drawn] played final at Ellerston in 2005 before going to England.
Haydon Velvet [Haydon Springbok-Murrabong Victory] being ridden out by Glen Gilmore in the final at Ellerston in 2008.
Haydon Rosecup [Haydon Sable-Haydon Drawn], full sister to Haydon Blush and winner BPP awards.
Haydon Wonder Jewel [ Haydon Dark Jewel-Haydon Wonder Dancer] taken here in 2010 after returning from playing with the Wastecorp team at Ellerston to join the stud’s broodmare band.
Haydon Evette [Haydon Ballerette-Haydon Drawn] played Ellerston, another top playing pony by Drawn
Haydon Moonlight [Haydon Nightlight-Haydon Drawn] top class mare and prize winner before playing overseas. Full sister to Haydon Nightwatch below:
Haydon Nightwatch [Haydon Nightlight-Haydon Drawn] taken here at Ellerston and proved a very good sire at Haydon Horse Stud.
Haydon Dark Draw [Haydon Dark Jewel-Haydon Drawn] prize winner and played in Wastecorp team at Ellerston.
Murrabong Victory [Murrabong Victoria-Ben Lexon] a lovely horse to hit off with a build-in rate. Like his mother and grand-mother could be played in a snaffle. A proven sire used at Haydon Horse Stud.
Haydon Voss [Haydon Sable-Haydon Drawn] reliable gelding played in 2005 to win the Ellerston final by David Haydon (above left) and the League final by Peter Haydon (above right).
Haydon Night Song [Haydon Ballerette-Holmwood Bush Glow] performed well in both polo and polocroose
David Haydon with his winning Team at the Northern Challenge Cup 2003
Haydon Bush Opal [Haydon Opal 111-Holmwood Bush Glow] won a Champion Novice in 1998 and a BPP in 2000
Haydon Olivia [Haydon Pirouette-Rodeo Rush] won many BPP awards. Played by many of the top players at Ellerston, including Memo Gracida, 10 goals, in the Ellertson 40 goal, which is the highest level of polo possible. Top broodmare producing the sire Haydon The Don, Olivia 11 played at Ellerston by A. Mussio, 8 goals before he took her to England and Olivia 111 won BPP at the Test Match Australia v Chile in 2009.
Haydon Emerald [Haydon Trinket-Haydon Never Doubt] played here by Australian Captain Jim MacGinley proving one of the top ponies of the 1986 International Series. In the Champion Team of Ponies at Sydney R.A.S. Also, in the Champion Team of Ponies at the Queensland Gold Cup in 1984, Gunnedah in 1985 and Wirragulla in 1984. Exceptional broodmare for the stud.
Haydon Pearl [Haydon Trinket-Haydon Never Doubt] a winner of many awards, Champion Pony at Gunnedah in 1985.
Haydon Star Night [Haydon Pirouette-Austock Beranghi] won the 1987 Sledmere Cup (above) played by Anto White and her half-sister Haydon Ballet [Haydon Pirouette-Haydon Never Doubt] also won the Sledmere Cup in 1989. Champion Futurity winner Scone 1984 going on to win Open Mare Classes.
Haydon Dark Jewel [Haydon Ruby-Austock Beranghi] won eight Polo Awards played by Peter Haydon. Australian Captain Jamie Mackay playing her here in the 1987 Test Match at Warwick Farm.
Haydon Beranghi Lass [ Haydon Wongle-Austock Beranghi] prize winner held by Ali Haydon. Champion Team Qld Gold Cup played by Peter Haydon.
Haydon Dark Jewel [Haydon Ruby-Austock Beranghi] on the sideline at Warwick Farm before being played by Australian Captain Jim MacGinley, 8 goals, in the Test Match, 1986
Peter Haydon with the group of the Stud’s horses he took to Queensland in 1984, including the ones which won the Champion Team of Ponies at the Gold Cup. Holding the Trophy. Peter played with Jim MacGinley against the four Gilmore Brother’s Stuart, Jim, Derek and Gary in the final.
Haydon Daylight [Haydon Blu Night-Haydon Never Doubt] prize winning mare and rated by Robert Doolin as one of his best
Ali Haydon at the presentation in 1984 for Peter’s Champion Team – Haydon Beranghi Lass, Haydon Emerald & Haydon Dark Jewel
Haydon Deerfoot [Haydon Kudo-Haydon Never Doubt] played by Mark Baker
Haydon Harvest Day [Haydon Patti Brown-Haydon Never Doubt] Champion Novice at Quirindi and Tamworth 1984, Champion Pony Tamworth in 1985 and Champion Team at Gunnedah in 1985. Played Tests and won Led Classes.
Haydon Crown Gem [Haydon Tiara-Haydon Never Doubt] another good playing pony exported
Haydon Felina [Haydon Bridget-Redigo] won the Sledmere Cup 1978
Haydon Chandeleir [Haydon Topaz 11-Blukens] before going overseas to play in the late 1970’s
Haydon Bangle [Haydon Jewel-The Lizard] won the Sledmere Cup and Reserve Champion at Sydney R.A.S. She has produced a line of very good horses for the Bragg family.
Haydon Bambi [Haydon Rose-Young Valais] won Champion Pony at the Northern Challenge Cup, Quirindi in 1966 & 1967. Played by HRH Prince of Wales in 1966, above.
Haydon Gem [Haydon Clasp-Young Valais] Champion at Sydney R.A.S in 1967. Played by Bob Skeene, 10 goals and HRH The Prince of Wales, above.
Spice [Haydon Paprika-Panzer] her mother Haydon Paprika was Haydon Gem’s full-sister. Champion at International Series v NZ in 1974 and ASHS Horse of the Year. Ridden by Sandy Tait (far right) with captain Sinclair Hill (second from left).
Spice in the Test Match polo program
Haydon Eulalie [ Haydon Twilight-Bobbed Steel] John Haydon’s best mare played in the finals R.A.S and Gold Cup in 1954. Continued the Thora Family line in the stud.
Guy Haydon playing in 1907 winning the Northern Challenge Cup as an eighteen year old
F B Haydon playing at Bloomfield in the early days
Others include: Haydon Blu Gem [Haydon Gem-Blukens] prize winner Haydon Dark Night [Haydon Pirouette-Austock Beranghi] Champion Team Qld Gold Cup Haydon Jasmine [Haydon Leloki-Rodeo Rush] was played by Kerry Parker at Ellerston Haydon Jessie [Haydon Miss Jewel-Haydon Never Doubt] had a long career played by Angus Scott Haydon Dusk [Haydon Gemini-Pangunyah] played for many years by Greg Ballard Haydon Gunyah [Haydon Blu Ray-Pangunyah] played by Alex Makim Haydon Gazelle [Haydon Kudu-Pangunyah] played by HRH THe Prince of Wales. He also played her grand dam Haydon Bambi Haydon Raymond [Haydon Blu Ray-Haydon Never Doubt] played by Angus Scott Haydon Elk [Haydon Kudu-Bandora’s Gift] top mare played Sydney & RAS Easter polo Haydon Gum Drop [Haydon Kurrajong-Haydon Never Doubt] by played Rob Witts Haydon Inca Son [Sunshower-Haydon Never Doubt] top gelding played for many years by Angus Scott and at Ellertson Haydon Tristan [Haydon Heirloom-Haydon Never Doubt] played at Ellerston.